To fullfill your dream now we are in Europe

Best Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Mallorca island, SPAIN.

Join us now to become an internationally certified yoga teacher!

Yoga is a way of life, a life changing action, a process of transformation. Through yoga you will find balance, harmony and growth. You will start understanding the world in a different way. Your thoughts will be directed towards a new dimension. Your ideas will be clear and one idea can change your life.

International Yoga Teacher Training Courses and Yoga & Ayurveda Retreats and Holidays Europe, India & Bali

Green Yoga International is a Yoga Alliance International (USA) and Yoga Alliance Professional (U.K) certified premier Yoga Teacher Training School based in Mallorca, Spain imparting quality & modern Multi style Yoga Teacher Training Courses and Yoga Retreats in Europe, India & Bali. Our practice of 200, 300 & 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training Courses are systematic and scientific, teaching traditional yoga with a blend of modernisation.


We believe the philosophy taught in our school should be useful in one’s daily life. If you study with us you will emerge as a versatile, well –rounded and successful yoga teacher in the world. Please see our Yoga teacher training dates in Mallorca.

Green Yoga International focuses on individual needs of understanding love and spreading consciousness. When consciousness and love meets together it brings fulfillment in life. Your life gets a new meaning with joy and happiness, transformation takes place and you experience liberation and freedom (Samadhi, eternal bliss). You become one with the universe. This union of yourself with the higher self is the culmination of yoga.


Your journey to a new life as a successful yoga teacher starts today with us. Come join our residential yoga teacher training in Mallorca and become a certified & trained yoga teacher.

Put some green in your life!

Certified Yoga Teacher Training Courses

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Yoga & Ayurveda Retreats and Holidays

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Amazing venue renting to organize your events

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Welcome to Yoga…
Welcome to Mallorca…
Welcome to Green Yoga International

Join us to fulfill your dream of becaming Yoga Teacher

If not now, when?

If not you, who?



2023: Upcoming dates and booking

50 hours – 7 days
Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra
Teacher Training

MODULE 1: Yin Yoga & Functional Anatomy2024 21st October to 27th OctoberBook now

300 hours – 21 days
Advanced Yoga
Teacher Training

2024 21st October to 10th NovemberBook now

200 hours – 21 days
Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training

2024 29th July to 18th August Last seats
2024 19th August to 8th SeptemberBook now
2024 9th September to 29th September Book now
2024 30th September to 20th October Book now
You'll be able to select seats and dates in the booking process.
There are more dates to choose in the reservation page.

200 hours – 21 days
Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

2023 17 July to 6 AugustFully booked
2023 30 October to 19 NovemberFully booked
You'll be able to select seats and dates in the booking process.
2024 Dates coming soon.

Green Yoga International
Mallorca locations